Sunday, September 22, 2013

What Do You Do When You Have A Bad/Crazy Day?

"Today, oh today, nothing seems to be going my way. Tryna keep my sanity, its getting the best of me today, oh today..." Today- Avery*Sunshine

Your car broke down on the high way. You lost your A ++++ paper off of your computer you've been working on for weeks! You got a run in your good tights. Your boss is being an asshole. The baby had a bad day at school/daycare.  Yep, you're having one of THOSE days.  If one more thing goes wrong, or if someone says one more wrong thing to you, lawd jesus help them!

Working as a substitute teacher, I have my share of these days. The two good things about bad days are they are few and far between (hopefully. If not, I will send up a quick prayer for you!), and they end. Usually when I see or sense my day starting to get a lil wonky, I will do a couple of these things:

  • Repeat to myself trouble don't last always
  • Pray/Meditate
  • Say to myself, "Eff (insert asshole's name here)"!
  • Find a quiet corner to go in and BREATHE DEEPLY
  • Get a sweet treat
  • If I'm involved with someone, get me some peen (or as I like to call it, feel good factor ;-) )
  • For A REALLY Crazy/Bad day, hit a happy hour or get a bottle of something
So that's my list of what I do, What do you do on those crazy/bad days?

True Life: My friends Make Me Feel Bad Because My Parents Are Married

I wanna talk about something...

So Today, I want to talk about something. I come from a two-parent household. My parents were married for 24 years (My father passed in 2008).  Throughout my life, I was asked questions like:

Do you and your siblings have the same father?
Your Parents are STILL together?
You know your dad?

And my friends have said to me:

You don't understand or know how I feel, Your parents are together.

Now while that last statement was true, it would have me in my feelings like damn! I feel some type of way.  Now don't get me wrong, I get on my knees and thank GOD for Isaac and Lucinda, but I hated that people would make me feel a way because I came from a two parent household.  It seems as if single parent/divorced households are the norm nowadays.  It's unfortunate that people's situation didn't work out, and one parent had to get stuck with most of the parental responsibility. Especially when it takes two people to create a child.

 But back to my point...  My question is, My folks who's parents are married/still together, have you ever felt the way I felt? Have your friends done this to you as well? How did you deal? Is there anything to deal with?

Ho(e) and Freak: Is There a Difference?!

"Don't be scared of my aggression, Just don't get the wrong impression..." - Hoe Jhene' Aiko ft Miguel and Gucci Mane

So, I was talking to a good friend of mine the other day, and I asked a question.  Is there a difference between a Ho(e) and a Freak? Is one better to be than the other? He referred me to the song above.  So, I'm gonna discuss my opinions on what I think both are, and my conclusion.  And, this definition is for both Males and Females (Lady Mahogany doesn't discriminate) lol.

A Ho to me is a person that continually gives up their goodies/having sex with people, and they may not even know the person's last name(or first name for that matter).  A ho might be indulging in sexual activity with more than two people at one time (together or simultaneously). They may indulge in the occasional gang bang or train (do you boo!), and may not see anything wrong with that.

A Freak on the other hand to me, is a person that thoroughly enjoys sexual activities, and may like to divulge in other types of sex besides vanilla sex( vanilla sex is just plain sexual intercourse/oral sex. no licking, no biting, no extra fun. BOOOOO! ).  They might be into BDSM, enjoy giving oral sex a lotta bit, or just plain like rough sex, etc.  

Can a ho cross into being a freak? Can a freak be a ho? Abso-tootle-lutely! There are plenty of freaky hoes and there are times where freaks can at one time cross over to the ho territory right quick.  Hey, It happens!

But ultimately, If you are a Ho(e), be a proud ho(e)! If you are a Freak, be a proud freak.  Remember, you should always be proud of who and what you are.  Eff judgment from people that are too afraid to be who they really are! Remember, Mind over matter, Don't mind what they say, cuz it don't matter! YOU are the one that ultimately has to live with the decisions you make in your life.  As long as you are being a safe freaky ho(e), DO YOU BOO! And get yours!

What would I prefer? Me personally, I would rather be a freak than a Ho(e). Why you say? Since I'm a woman, Being a ho would change my anatomy (read: stretch my holes out wider than a crater). Men can, and usually, get away with being hoes.  Why? Simple, cuz we let them! They don't get the stretched out holes (well, some do...), but they can also be frequent club members at the clinics. I also like staying out of the clinics.  And, I would rather be freaky for my man, and him only.

What do you think? What is your definition of a Ho(e) and a Freak?

Long Time, No Talk!

Hey all you out there in blog land!

Its ya girl, MahoganyTene, and yes, I know, I know, I left y'all hangin' like a mug! I've been just getting my life together like I've been doing for the last 28 years.  But a lotta bit has been going on in my life. But I'm really about to hit y'all with a few blog posts, cuz I've been having a lot of thoughts in this cranium (brain), and I gotta get it out. So read, comment, collaborate, correct, all that good stuff!

Peace, Love, and Happiness,


P.S. You can follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram to see more of my randomness S/N MahoganyTene