Sunday, September 22, 2013

True Life: My friends Make Me Feel Bad Because My Parents Are Married

I wanna talk about something...

So Today, I want to talk about something. I come from a two-parent household. My parents were married for 24 years (My father passed in 2008).  Throughout my life, I was asked questions like:

Do you and your siblings have the same father?
Your Parents are STILL together?
You know your dad?

And my friends have said to me:

You don't understand or know how I feel, Your parents are together.

Now while that last statement was true, it would have me in my feelings like damn! I feel some type of way.  Now don't get me wrong, I get on my knees and thank GOD for Isaac and Lucinda, but I hated that people would make me feel a way because I came from a two parent household.  It seems as if single parent/divorced households are the norm nowadays.  It's unfortunate that people's situation didn't work out, and one parent had to get stuck with most of the parental responsibility. Especially when it takes two people to create a child.

 But back to my point...  My question is, My folks who's parents are married/still together, have you ever felt the way I felt? Have your friends done this to you as well? How did you deal? Is there anything to deal with?

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