Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Making a list, And Checking it Thrice

Hello all you out there in blogger world!

Its MahoganyTene here, another day, another opportunity to better yourselves right? RIGHT!

So today, I'm writing about something I do every 6 months.  Every 6 months, I write a list of goals that I hope (and desperately need ) to accomplish over the next 6 months.  These goals can be personal, financial, health, or something I've been wanting to do for a while.  Is the list lentghly? Not really.  I try to put between 6-10 items on my list.  Do I accomplish everything on my goals list? Not all the time, but most of the time, I do accomplish most of my list.  I try to do it at the top, middle, and end of the year, so now I'm due to create my new list of goals. 

When setting goals, its important for them to be SMART:

Another good thing to do is to put your list somewhere where you can see and look at them everyday.  My goals list is posted on my dreamboard (that's another post for another day).  I look at my goal list everyday, and it helps to keep me focused on what I wake up in the morning for, my purpose in life.  I hope my post has encouraged someone out there to make a list, and check it once, or thrice (three times)!

Get ta writing!

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