Monday, June 3, 2013

my ten year high school reunion: why its highly likely I'm not going

Yessss, that time in my life has come: the ten year high school reunion. A time when you get together with the people you went to high school with that were possibly your frienemies, and see how life has treated them so far. But now I wonder if high school reunions are even necessary with the invention of social media. I pretty much keep up with everyone I went to high school with on Facebook and other sites.
But high school for me was an awkward time. I wasn't popular, I was shy, kept to myself a lot, yet, I participated in the gospel choir and the pep squad (I can cut a rug or two!).
I was teased and bullied by girls that weren't secure in themselves, but were somehow upset that I was secure in myself. I couldn't wear or fit the latest styles, so I tried to figure out my own.
Dating?! what was that? Well, I did go out with that one guy in 10th grade that took me to his prom, but that was it. I wasn't approached by guys, and if any liked me they were too punk ass to approach me cuz of what their friends would say.
I did have some good memories of that time though. My safe haven was the library. I was in there everyday, and was a library aide for three years. Me and the librarian were really cool with each other, and she always gave ya girl first dibs on the new books ;-) . I also remember my child development and psychology classes, and the crazy ass teachers that taught them. I guess high school wasn't too bad after all.
But the night of my reunion, one of my favorite musicians ever MISS Lalah Hathaway will be in town for free 99; and I will be front and center to be entranced by her vocal spell. So those fools can kiss it!

Cheers to the class of 2003!

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